To issue a refund you may use Maxpay Merchant Portal just follow a few easy steps:
- Login to Mportal and go to Analytics Transaction report.
- Use filters to find the transactions you would like to refund. You may learn more about filters here.
- After you located the transaction click button in Actions column.
- In the pop-up window, you may change the refund amount if you need to issue the partial instead of a full refund and choose the refund reason.
- Than click Refund button. After the refund is processed you will see the reference of new transaction type Refund and its status. In case of decline or error, the message with the reason will appear.
Please note that it is possible to issue refunds for transaction types SALE, SALE3D, SETTLE with transaction status SUCCESS, PARTIAL-REFUNDED.
You may also cancel the AUTH or SALE transactions before they are settled. To void them please follow the same flow and click
If you need assistance please contact us at